Assignments November 28-December 1

Depth of Field Writing – Due Monday before class is over

We will go over depth of field during class using this website. Then, in a blog post explain the difference in shallow depth of field and large depth of field. Find two photos online- one which shows a large depth of field and one which shows a shallow depth of field. Explain in both images: what in the image shows that it is a large depth of field, what shows that it is a shallow depth of field, are either of them better than the other, and why?

Depth of Field – Due Tuesday before class is over

-Read this link to help understand depth of field and how to control it in your shots 

– Then go outside and take two photographs of the same subject, trying to get two different depth of fields. You will set the camera mode to AV (aperture priority). Make sure to focus on the same subject for both shots you take.

-In Photo #1 You will get a shallow depth of field. Zoom out to the longest focal length of the lens which is 55mm. Set the aperture on f5.6 (the widest aperture at 55mm) and take note of what the camera sets the shutter speed at. Make sure it is not below 60th of a second. Get in good and close to your subject

-In Photo #2 You will get a good depth of field. Put your lens at 18mm (which is the widest lens mm on your lens). Set your aperture at f16, and take note of what the camera sets the shutter speed at. Make sure it is not below 60th of a second, or open up the aperture to f11. Stay a bit further back to get a better depth of field.

You will upload the two photographs in a gallery 2×1, title each photo the corresponding depth of field. The blog post should be titled “Depth of Field.” Below is an example.

Macro Mode Images – Due Wednesday before class is over

Using this website, we will discuss the differences between Macro and Micro Photography and then you will take your own photos to show different varieties in macro images. You can find interesting shapes and patterns and abstract your image, or you can find plants, bugs, toys, food, or any other subject and make your image seem larger than life. You will upload your best 6 photos to your blog with titles in a gallery 3×2 by Wednesday.

Shoot Like Aaron Siskind – Due Thursday before class is over

Research the work of Aaron Siskind, an American photographer who shot abstract black and white images, which focus on nature, architecture and human form. Take some photos on the MONOCHROME setting, or edit the photos to be black and white, in the style of Aaron Siskind, edit them with good density and contrast, and post 3 black and white images on your blog with titles in a gallery 3×1.  Below are some student examples.


Assignments November 14-17

  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Writing – Due Monday before class is over

The phrase “a picture tells a thousand words” is pretty well-worn, yet the concept has proven true time and time again. Look at any picture that captures a moment in action – the words needed to explain it could go on for days. Some pictures hold many stories.


Three children sit in front of a pile of rubble. Who are they? Are they related? Where are their parents? What was the building before it was destroyed? What are they looking at? What happens next?

Choose a historical image from one of these sites and then do the following activity:

Write a short, half-page story from the person’s point of view. What is this person thinking in this moment? What do they see? Who could they be talking to in their mind (a parent who’s not there, a loved one, an enemy, another person in the picture)? It’s always better when a story has a listener, even if that listener can’t hear what’s going on inside a character’s head! Include the image. Title the blog post “Photo Writing.”

  • Song – Due Wednesday before class is over
Find a song, or even a speech that you like. Take a series of images that can be used to create a slide show version of that audio-work. Make sure that you take enough photos to fill the time space of the song or the speech. Put it together in a video. Here is an example, that may be helpful.  Below is an example from a student. Though there is some animation, they could have been done with still images, or you may choose to add some animation as these have. You need to include the title of the song or speech and the author somewhere in the video. You can use any program you are comfortable with. Title the blog post “Song.”
  • Meticulous – Due Thursday before class is over

Meticulous means to show great attention to detail, very careful and precise. For this assignment you will meticulously arrange everyday objects that can be found around your home.

First, look at the photography work of Emily Blincoe. 

Select your favorite work by her and put it on your blog with a short explanation why this image caught your eye.

Search you home for a variety of objects and items that can be used to create your meticulous arrangement.

Find a simple suitable background for your shot. This could be a plain pillow case, large piece of paper, or anything large enough with no pattern. Set up your arrangement and be meticulous and pay attention to details. Make sure you are in adequate lighting, and please remember how important good lighting is in photography.

Take a few photographs from above, looking straight down at your arrangement. Go in as close as you can. Make sure your image is tack sharp!  Never rely on just taking one shot.

Edit your favorite photographs with Lightroom and then post to your blog.

Meticulous arrangement of objects, which are then photographed have been used in advertising and commercial photography for years.

Your blog post will contain your favorite image by Emily Blincoe and explain why. Then a gallery 3×1 with 3 of the images that you took. These three images will all be different objects that have been meticulously put together. Title the blog post “Meticulous.” Title each image in the caption area. Below are some examples.


Assignments November 14-17

  • Photography Writing – Due Monday before class is over

Start a new story inspired by a photo that you find on one of the websites that we use in class. Include the image in your post, caption it with the photographers name, and then write a story about the photo. Begin with “That was the day the world changed…” Title the blog post “Photo Writing.”

  • Still Life Toy Photographs – DUE Wednesday BEFORE CLASS IS OVER

We will look at the examples.  It’s interesting to photograph still life subjects using unexpected approaches. This takes an object out of its normal context, so that you can see it in a different light. In this case, you’re going to make a formal portrait of a toy. You will upload your best 6 photos by Wednesday before class is over, with titles, in a gallery 3×2. Title your blog post “Toy Photos.” Before you begin think about the following:

  • Do you want to convey the significance that a plaything from your childhood has for you, or will you choose a random toy and portray it in unexpected ways?
  • Consider the portrait’s background. Will it provide context, color, and visual interest or will it be a neutral setting that highlights the subject?
  • As you compose your image, experiment with lighting, viewpoint, balance, and emphasis to reveal the toy’s story.


  • Different Point of View – Due Thursday before class is over

Be creative and show me different points of view, lower or upper. Be artistic, any subject or angle which will be interesting for the viewer will be accepted. Photographs in black and white or in color are welcome. Upload your best 3 photos by Thursday before class is over, with titles, in a gallery 3×1. Title your blog post “Different Point of View.” Below are some examples.

Assignments November 7-10

  • Women in Photography – Due Monday before class is over

Watch this video and then summarize the video and give your thoughts. This should be three paragraphs. You will be graded on conventions and ideas and content. Title the blog post “Women in Photography.”

  • Focus on Reflections – Due Wednesday before class is over

Take a series of images that use reflections or refractions of light. There are many great examples HERE.

This image is by Miki Asai, her website is HERE.

You will upload your best six photos to your blog in a gallery 3×2 with titles. Title the post “Reflections.”

Photo by Miki Asai

Photo by Miki Asai

  • Paper Cut-outs & Photos – Due Thursday before class is over

Find little quirks in the environment around you, a bent post, length of chain, crack in a sidewalk or wall… and add a character to the environment that connects with it in a creative way. Many more samples at this LINK. Do it on paper so as not to disturb the area or deface property. You can draw the images or you can cut them out of magazines or print from the internet, then set those images up to take photos. Below is an example and make sure to look at the link above for more samples. You will upload your best six photos to your blog in a gallery 3×2 with titles. Title the post “Paper Cut-Outs & Photos.”


Assignments November 7-10

  • Still Life Writing – Due Monday before class is over

We will watch a video on Still_Life_Thinking_Artistically (1), Tips for taking Still Life and Still_Life_Objects

Find three different still life photos and explain how unity and variety play a part in the overall look of the photo. Also, explain the viewpoint and what you think about each photo. The writing portion will be posted to your blog below your gallery. Make sure to include the photos in a gallery 3×1 and in the caption include who the photographer is. Add your writing to your blog post as “Still Life Writing.”

  • Still Life Object Photos – Due Tuesday before class is over

The Lab. We will take photos together like this in class. In a group you will each use the same camera to take a photo at the station you are assigned. Each photo needs to be different. One person in the group will upload the photos to their blog. Title each image with the photographers name. Title your blog post as “Still Life Object.”

  • Still Life Photos – Due Thursday before class is over

You will choose objects that interest you. Don’t feel you have to assemble still lifes like others you’ve seen. Instead, look around for objects you feel comfortable with, or objects you dislike. Consider objects you barely even notice. How do they look with other objects? What happens when a bright light hits them? Look for the unexpected, and give it meaning through your photographs. You should bring items into class that you want to photograph. Make sure that you pay attention to the backgrounds when you are photographing. You will upload you best 6 photos to your blog by Thursday with titles, 3×2 gallery, title post “Still Life Photos.”

Below your gallery critique your own photographs you posted and answer these questions – Due Thursday before class is over

  1. Do I have a strong composition?
  2. How well did I edit my photographs?
  3. What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again?
  4. Do you think your photographs belong on the blog home page and   should be considered one of the best from all the photo classes?


  • Contact Sheet – Due Thursday before class is over

Create a contact sheet in Adobe Express. Choose your best 8 photos from the semester so far to create a contact sheet. Choose the 2×8 collage grid. Upload to your blog as “Contact Sheet.”

Assignments October 31-November 3

  • Mysterious, Intriguing, or Beautiful – Due Tuesday before class is over

Look at these examples and more examples here for ideas.

Upload your best three photos Tuesday before class is over. You can use any of these topics or all three. Title the blog “Mysterious, Intriguing, or Beautiful Photos” as a gallery 3×1 with titles for each photo.

  • Jumping Series – Due Wednesday before class is over

Look at the work of Phillipe  Halsman and his jumping series photos. 

Also, check out this jumping series:

Photograph people jumping and create a series of 3 to post together. Title your blog post “Jumping Photo Series.” Gallery of 3×1, with titles for each photo.

  • Silhouette – Due Thursday before class is over 

Take photos of people in silhouette. Again watch the background. These should be darker photos. Upload your best 3 photos to your blog as a gallery 3×1, title the blog post “Silhouette”, and title each photo.


Assignments October 31-November 3

  • Studio Lighting Portraits – Due Thursday before class is over

For these photos we will use the lighting system set up on the stage. You can change the backdrop and the lighting to make the person or people stand out the best. Pay attention to the different composition rules, the lighting, and your perspective. You will upload your best 6 portraits to your blog and title the blog “Studio Portraits,” 3×2 gallery, and title each photo in the caption area. 




  • Outdoor Natural Light Portraits – Due Thursday before class is over

We will take these portraits outside, but set up as studio portraits. Photograph a person or several people outside in nice soft lighting. Try to avoid having the background brighter than the subject. You will need to do some editing to have the subject not be dark. Consider what you want your depth of field to be. Utilize camera angles and different perspectives. You will upload your best 6 portraits to your blog and title your blog, “Outdoor Portraits” 3×2 gallery and title each photo in the caption area.

Assignments October 24-27

Comments 9 – Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 conceptual self portraits photos or advanced photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as “Comments 9.”

  • Photo a Day Challenge – Due each day this week continue from last week

Take a photo a day, in order, from the list below. Each day you will post your photo from that day. Call your blog post Photo Challenge, and then title your photos the words that are in bold below. This project will be for this week, Monday through Thursday.

Monday – Self portrait. Where are you in your life? How is the you of today different than the person you were a decade ago? A year ago? yesterday? We’re always changing, so take some time to show us this particular chapter of your life.

Tuesday – Create a different world. Be inspired by a book, a movie, a place, or a period in time. Choose a familiar narrative to use as a starting point, then re-interpret it to tell a story that is all your own.

Wednesday – A picture is worth 1,000 words. But can you describe just one word with a picture? Choose a word then create a photo that matches it.

Thursday – What are you thankful for? But don’t get too cozy. To be truly thankful, you require the proper perspective. For this photograph, play with different perspectives. As you capture those items for which you’re most grateful can you do so with unique angles? How high or low can you shoot? What sort of framing can you play with? Could you add reflections? Play around and get creative.

  • Framing a subject due Thursday before class is over

-Take 3 different photographs using framing in the composition.  Title your blog post “Framing a Subject.” Put it in a gallery 3×1 with titles for each photo and then answer the questions below the gallery. Below are examples.

Critique your own photographs you posted and answer these questions.

  1. Do I have a strong composition?
  2. How well did I edit my photographs?
  3. What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again?
  4. Do you think your photographs belong on the blog home page and  should be considered one of the best from all the photo classes?


Assignments October 24-27

  • Comments 9 – Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 conceptual self portraits photos or advanced photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as “Comments 9.”

  • Impact of Photography – Due Thursday before class over

We will watch the movie Flags of Our Fathers, after you will write about your thoughts on the movie, how you think the photograph impacted the world, and how you think photographs in general help or change or impact the world. You will be graded on ideas and content and conventions. This should be five paragraphs. Title the post “Impact of Photography.” This should be posted in the blog, not a Word document.

If you did not watch the movie Flags of Our Fathers with us, you need to find three different photos that have impacted the world, country, or nation, and explain the importance of the photograph and the importance of photography (include the photos in your post and name the photographer). You can use this website. You will be graded on ideas and content and conventions. This should be five paragraphs. Title the post “Impact of Photography.” This should be posted in your blog, not a Word document.

Assignments October 17-20

  • Comments 8 – Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 landscape photos or advanced patterns in nature or hands and feet photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as “Comments 8.”

  • Photo a Day Challenge – Due each day this week 

Take a photo a day, in order, from the list below. Each day you will post your photo from that day before class is over. Title your blog post Photo Challenge, and then title your photos the words that are in bold below. This project will be for this week, Monday through Thursday.

Monday – Pick a song, and listen closely. Find a verse, an image, or a story in it that speaks to you, then portray that in a photograph.

Tuesday – Love of your art, what motivates you to take pictures? Why do you love this form in particular? Express your artist’s heart, feel the passion, and show what makes you tick.

Wednesday – Green, rolling hills of Ireland, the color of envy, the hue of a talented gardener’s thumb, or the sustainability movement. Green’s a great color, show what it means to you.

Thursday –  Create beauty and portray emotion without a model, concentrate instead on landscape, a still life, or a floral arrangement. Try shooting at different times of day, in different types of lighting.  

  • Re-create a Famous Piece of Art – Due Thursday before class is over

Using today’s world as a reference, re-create a famous piece of art. Below is an example. Please post to your blog as “Re-Creation of Famous Art” include the original piece of art with the title and the artists name and your creation in a gallery(just like I have below).