Assignments August 28-31

  • Complete assignments from last week 
  • Composition – Due Monday before class is over

Read about what makes strong composition in a photograph and what catches the viewers eye. Find  12 sample photos online which show good composition. Make a gallery of images 4×3 in Edublogs. Post your gallery and in the caption area write out the name of the composition rule. Do this for each image include the photographers name to give them credit for their work. Title your blog post “Composition.”

Composition Tips 1

Composition Tips 2

Composition Tips 3


  • Camera Functions Due Monday before class is over

Read this article about basic camera functions.

Summarize in your own words what ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture are. Find an image to show each and explain why you chose the image and how you believe it shows the technique (not from the article). Use Microsoft Word. Title the assignment: “Camera Functions.” Use academic language and remember the rules of grammar.

  • TEXTURE – Due Thursday Before Class is Over

Go outside in brighter light and photograph photos that show texture. 

Edit your photos in Photos and post your best 3 to your blog in a gallery, 3×1 and title the blog post as “Texture.” Title each photo in the caption area.

In the same blog post: Find one photo online which shows amazing texture. Write a one paragraph critique explaining why you think this is such a successful photograph and why you chose it. Be sure to use academic language, proper grammar and sentence structure. In the caption area give the photographer credit.

Assignments August 21-24

  • Camera Angles Writing – Due Monday before class is over

Find a photo from the Internet showing an alternative camera angle and write a  20 sentence writing critique about the Internet photo. Include the photographers name in the caption section while uploading photo. Blog post title should be “Camera Angle Writing.”

  • Alternative Camera Angles – Due Tuesday before class is over

-Take 4 shots of the same subject from 4 different camera angles (from above, below, straight on and tilted). Edit your photos and title them. Blog post title should be “Camera Angles.” Post as a gallery 4×1.

  • Shadows and Light – Due Thursday before class is over

-Photograph 3 photos which show strong shadow and light. Edit your shadow photos and then upload to your blog with titles. Blog post title should be “Shadows and Light Photos.” Post as a gallery, 3×1.

Shadow Examples Below


Assignments August 21-24

  • How to use blog Due Monday before class is over

Write an about me section as a TEXT WIDGET on your blog. Follow the link for help on adding a text widget

  • First Post Due Monday before class is over

Make your very first post a photograph of something you enjoy, title the blog post “First Post” and title the photo in the caption area. You will also write a sentence below the photograph explaining why you chose that particular photo.

  • Gallery – Due Monday before class is over

Create a gallery with 4 images, titles, 2×2, with a sentence explaining why you chose the images

  • Nature Prints – Due Tuesday before class is over

“Develop” an image using the nature prints paper. Take a photo of your image and upload it to your blog. Title the blog post “Nature Prints” and in the caption give your image a title.

  • Composition – Due Thursday before class is over

Read about what makes strong composition in a photograph and what catches the viewers eye. Find  12 sample photos online which show good composition. Make a gallery of images 4×3 in Edublogs. Post your gallery and in the caption area write out the name of the composition rule. Do this for each image include the photographers name to give them credit for their work. Title your blog post “Composition.”

Composition Tips 1

Composition Tips 2

Composition Tips 3


  • Camera Functions Due Thursday before class is over

Read this article about basic camera functions.

Summarize in your own words what ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture are. Find an image to show each and explain why you chose the image and how you believe it shows the technique (not from the article). Use Microsoft Word. Title the assignment: “Camera Functions.” Use academic language and remember the rules of grammar.

Assignments August 14-17

  • History of Photography

We will watch this VIDEO in class. Students will fill out the video note taking paper during the video.

  • Inspirational Slideshow – Due Wednesday before class is over

Create a slide show or video using iMovie titled PHOTOS THAT INSPIRE ME. Under each photo you selected explain why this photograph inspires you. Make sure to include the photographer’s name. Choose 15 photos using the links below (these website have no copywriter issues, are large images so they will be clear, and give you the name of the photographer. Submit your slideshow here.

Royalty Free Site 1

Royalty Free Site 2

Royalty Free Site 3





Photo by: Kübra Arslaner

This photo inspires me because I love to read and love organization.

The lighting that is hitting the books gives them an interesting look and shows off the books.

I also really like how the books are lined up, organized, and have color.

All of these inspire me.

  • Create Blog – Due Monday before class is over

Make a blog for your photo work and critique writing.

You must join the class blog:… FIRST BEFORE YOU PICK A TEMPLATE.

Follow the link for help on adding the class blog when it asks you to search for the teacher type in kacieanglin

Include your blog title and your first name on your blog.

  • About Me Due Thursday before class is over

Write an about me section as a TEXT WIDGET on your blog. Follow the link for help on adding a text widget

Assignments August 14-17

  • Blog – Due Monday before class is over

Check to make sure you can still log into your blog and that you are part of my class. If not create a new blog, click my class, join a class, and ask to join kacieanglin.

Update the about me widget and make sure you like your theme or change it.

  • Project Choice – Due Thursday before class is over

Choose two of the choices below to take photos of for this week (upload to your blog with the title of the choice as your blog post, six photos for each choice with titles for each, do as a photo gallery 3×2). This should be two different posts with six images for each post.

Please remember to think about perspective, rule of thirds, background, be creative and take awesome photos!

Black and White – All six photos will be converted to black and white

Color – Pick a color and all six photos will have that color is dominant in all six images

Food – Pick any type of food and take six photos up close and personal

Texture – There are tons of different textures in the world, shoot close and fill the frame using six different types of texture

Sunsets and Sunrises – Six of the most dramatic sunsets and sunrises

Emotions – Six photos that show emotions

Sky and Clouds – Sky scapes can be dramatic and stormy or light and beautiful. Capture as big a variety as you can in six different images

Perspective – Shoot all six images from one perspective. This should be a different kind of perspective, not just at eye level.

Trees – Six photos of trees in different lighting

Anything with wheels – Cars, trucks, bikes, motorcycles, trains, there are so many things with wheels. Six images that show artistic view of wheels


Assignments December 12-15

Starts with T – Due Monday before class is over

Take photos of items that start with the letter T. Upload your best 3 to your blog in a gallery 3×1 with titles in the caption area. Title the blog post “Starts With T.”

THEME BASED PHOTO SERIES – Due Wednesday before class is over 

Create a series of photographs which work together to conceptualize a theme or story idea. You will upload your best 6 photos to your blog in a gallery 3×2 with titles in the caption area. Title the blog post the name of your theme that you chose. Check out this link to get some good ideas for your project.

Movie Poster – Due Wednesday before class is over

Create a movie poster from a photograph that you took. Make sure that you can see the title. Be creative. Use Adobe Express to put the poster together. Title your blog post “Movie Poster.”

Assignments December 12-15

Photography Business – Due Wednesday before class is over

Create your own Photography Business. You will do this in Adobe Express . Create a name for your business, an address, a phone number, and a slogan. Decide what your specialty is (portraits, landscapes, food, wedding, babies, etc). Then create three different advertisements for your business. Each advertisement needs to include: the name of your business, address, phone number, slogan, and a minimum of three images showing off your work. Make sure you think about the actual design (composition) of the advertisement, the fonts used, and the colors. Be creative. Submit all three advertisements to your blog titled “Photography Business” in a gallery 3×1. Below are some examples.

Alphabet Photography – Due Wednesday before class is over

Using photographs that look like letters, spell out a word. You need to take at least five photos, so make sure your word is at least five letters or you can use two words. Do not take a picture of a written letter, you can make the letters out of other things, but not written. Look on google for ideas. Upload to your blog by Wednesday before class is over as “Alphabet Photography.” Put the “letters” together using Adobe Express. Below are some examples. 



Assignments December 5-8

  • Communication in Photography – Due Monday before class is over

Choose one of the following images to answer this question: What is this image trying to communicate? This should be a paragraph. Include the image in your post. Write in complete sentences.

Airport Museum – Due Wednesday before class is over

We will visit the airport museum to take photos of different artifacts. Edit and upload your best 6 photos by Wednesday in a gallery 3×2 with titles in the caption area. Title the post “Airport.”

Shadows – Due Thursday before class is over

Take photos of actual shadows that sow up as real subjects. Edit and upload your best 6 photos to your blog by Thursday in a gallery 3×2 with titles in the caption area. Title the post “Shadows.” Below are some examples.

Assignments December 5-8

  • Vibrant Colors- Due Monday before class is over

Take photos that show vibrant colors. You can edit these photos to add more saturation or vibrance to enhance the colors. Upload your best 3 photos Monday before class is over in a gallery 3×1 with titles in the caption area. Title the post “Vibrant Colors.”

  • Airport Museum – Due Wednesday before class is over

We will visit the airport museum to take photos of different artifacts. Edit and upload your best 6 photos by Wednesday in a gallery 3×2 with titles in the caption area. Title the post “Airport.”

  • Smiles – Due Wednesday before class is over

Capture people in their natural environments with their natural smiles. Still pay attention to lighting, background, and point of view. Upload your best 3 photos Tuesday in a gallery 3×1 with titles in the caption area. Title the post “Smiles.”

  • Silhouettes 2 – Due Thursday before class is over

Make usual photographs look different, or add extra meaning to them, by simply cutting out some silhouettes on a sheet of paper and taking a shot through it. You can choose harmonic combinations, like shooting nature through shapes of animals, or go for contrast and shoot some highly technogenic landscapes through shapes of trees. Edit and upload your best 3 photos to your blog in a gallery 3×1 with titles in the caption area. Title your post “Silhouettes 2.” Below are some examples.

Assignments November 28-December 1

Tiny Bits of Beauty [Environment] – Due Tuesday before class is over

Find and take photos of images of easily overlooked beauty that most people miss. Enlarge or enhance the image and what makes it appealing via photo editing program. Upload your best three photos to your blog as “Tiny Bits of Beauty” and make sure to title each photo and put into a gallery 3×1. 








Haunting Eyes – Due Wednesday before class is over

Submit three photographs that have haunting eyes. By haunting I mean: poignant and evocative; difficult to ignore or forget. It can be eyes of men, women, children, elderly, or animals. Please show some of the subject, not just the eyes. Make sure there are not too many distracting elements in the photo and consider cropping the picture to focus better on the subject. Upload as a gallery 3×1 with titles to your blog as “Haunting Eyes”

Photographing an Event – Due Thursday

Choose an event that can be shown or highlighted in a magazine, book, or newspaper. Plan how you would photograph the event. What would need to be incorporated in the photo shoot, how would you get the best photographs to show off the event, what types of photos would need to be taken for the event? After you have decided on the event, start taking photos that would be used for that event. There are a lot of different events that can be used to take these photos like: sports, seniors, dissections, building something, any kind of community events, etc. You will edit and upload your best three photos on Thursday. Title the blog post the name of your event that you photographed, title each image in the caption area, and put the images in a gallery 3×1.

Photo by: Karen Rochester