Assignments October 29-November 1

38. Comments 10 – Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 portraits photos or advanced framing photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as “Comments 10.”

39. Still Life Writing – Due Wednesday before class is over

Find three different still life photos and explain how unity and variety play a part in the overall look of the photo. Also, explain the viewpoint and what you think about each photo. Make sure to include the photos and who the photographer is. Upload to your blog as “Still Life Writing.”

40. Still Life Object Photos – Due Thursday before class is over

We will watch a video on Still_Life_Thinking_Artistically, Tips for taking Still Life and Still_Life_Objects.

The Lab. We will take photos together like this.

Then, you will choose objects that interest you. Don’t feel you have to assemble still lifes like others you’ve seen. Instead, look around for objects you feel comfortable with, or objects you dislike. Consider objects you barely even notice. How do they look with other objects? What happens when a bright light hits them? Look for the unexpected, and give it meaning through your photographs. You should bring items into class that you want to photograph. Make sure that you pay attention to the backgrounds when you are photographing. You will upload you best 6 photos to your blog by Thursday with titles, 3×2 gallery, title post “Still Life Object Photos.”

Below your gallery critique your own photographs you posted and answer these questions – Due Thursday before class is over

  1. Do I have a strong composition?
  2. How well did I edit my photographs?
  3. What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again?
  4. Do you think your photographs belong on the blog home page and   should be considered one of the best from all the photo classes?

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