Assignments September 24-27

21. Zoo Photos – Due Tuesday before class is over 

While at the zoo think about different viewpoints, close up, angles, and more. These images can range from full body shots to head shots. You can choose to show the entire animal in relation to its zoo environment, which can resemble its natural environment, or you can closely frame the animal’s head, turning the image into an informal portrait. Take a lot of photographs so that you can decide which your best 6 photos are. Edit and upload the best 6 to your blog and name the post “Zoo Photos.”

Read article and watch video to get ideas about taking zoo photos artistically. Tips for taking zoo photos and Zoo_Photos

Alternative Assignment – Due Tuesday before class is over

If you don’t go to the zoo you need to complete the following assignment

Find three different zoo photos that have three different viewpoints/angles. Write about the viewpoints/angles and how you would be able to get this type of photo if you visited the zoo. This should be a paragraph for each photo. Do not turn in as a Word document, please add the photos to your blog post.  You will be graded on content and word choice. Blog post should be named “Zoo Writing,” make sure that you give credit to the photographer.

Also, create a PowerPoint with five photos that inspire you. Explain why they inspire you, how the photograph was accomplished, and who the photographer is. This portion is due Thursday before class is over. Title the blog post “Photos that Inspire Me.”

22. Comments 5- Due Tuesday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 pet photos or advanced choice or sound photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as Comments 5.

23. Depth of Field – Due Thursday before class is over

-Read this link to help understand depth of field and how to control it in your shots 

– Then go outside and take two photographs of the same subject, trying to get two different depth of fields. You will set the camera mode to AV (aperture priority). Make sure to focus on the same subject for both shots you take.

-In Photo #1 You will get a shallow depth of field. Zoom out to the longest focal length of the lens which is 55mm. Set the aperture on f5.6 (the widest aperture at 55mm) and take note of what the camera sets the shutter speed at. Make sure it is not below 60th of a second. Get in good and close to your subject

-In Photo #2 You will get a good depth of field. Put your lens at 18mm ( which is the widest lens mm on your lens). Set your aperture at f16, and take note of what the camera sets the shutter speed at. Make sure it is not below 60th of a second, or open up the aperture to f11. Stay a bit further back to get a better depth of field.

You will upload the two photographs in a gallery 2×1, title each photo the corresponding depth of field. The blog post should be titled “Depth of Field.” Below is an example.

24. Animal Writing – Due Thursday before class is over

Find two animal photos that are similar and compare them (think about maybe same animal, same angle, same point of view, lines, color, etc), then find two animal photos that are different (different animal, different angles, different point of view, lines, color, etc) and contrast them. This should be a paragraph. You will be graded on content and conventions. Please post this to your blog before class is over and title it “Animal Writing.” Do not post as a Word document, add the similar photos into your blog post as media gallery 2×2 and then add the writing below. Then add the different photos into the blog post as media gallery 2×2 and then add the writing below.


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