Assignments September 17-20

17.  Comments 4- Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 light and shadow photos or advanced commercial photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as Comments 4.

18. Animal Photos – Due Thursday before class is over

We will watch two videos and read the following article to get a better idea on being artistic while taking photographs of animals. Then, you will take photos of your pets. Obviously, you can’t bring your pets to school, so this assignment will be done at home. Photograph your pets, creating either an intimate portrait or an action shot of them at play. If you don’t have a pet, borrow one from your friends or family (go to someone’s house). Capture your subject with its background environment in focus, and then with the pet as the only sharply focused object. Use what you know about action photography to freeze the action for some shots, and blur it to enhance the sense of movement in others. You will edit and upload your best 4 to your blog on Thursday in a gallery 4×1 with titles for in the caption area for each photo. Please name the blog post “Pet Photos.”



19. Photos That Changed The World – Due Wednesday before class is over  

Read this link about the Photos that changed the world and write a 500 word  reflection about 3 of the photographs. Include each photo that you will be discussing, the story behind each photograph, how it impacted the world and your opinion of it. This writing is about the photo and your opinion of it. Please title the post “Photos that Changed the World.”


20. Phoetry – Due Thursday before class is over

Phoetry is the combination of poetry and photography. Poetry is sometimes hard to understand. Digital photography can help make abstract poems more concrete. You will illustrate a poem with pictures. Select a short poem, type up your poem and separate them into stanzas in Powerpoint; each stanza would be a separate slide. You will go out and take photos to illustrate the words for each stanza. Change the font for the poem to go along with the words or the photos that you choose. This will be due on Thursday before class is over. Please name the blog post “Phoetry.”

21. Zoo Photos – Due next Monday before class is over 

While at the zoo think about different viewpoints, close up, angles, and more. These images can range from full body shots to head shots. You can choose to show the entire animal in relation to its zoo environment, which can resemble its natural environment, or you can closely frame the animal’s head, turning the image into an informal portrait. Take a lot of photographs so that you can decide which your best 6 photos are. Edit and upload the best 6 to your blog and name the post “Zoo Photos.”

Read article and watch video to get ideas about taking zoo photos artistically. Tips for taking zoo photos and Zoo_Photos

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