Assignments October 9-12

29. Comments – Due Monday before class is over

Comment on your favorite four photos from the photo 1 grand landscape photos or advanced nature in color photos. Please go through different student’s work to view more than four. Your comments need to include the photography and art language that we have talked about so far. This is not a one word or one sentence comment. Take your time and think about the other person’s work, what spoke to you, what did you like, what could be included to make the photo more dynamic, etc. Make sure that your comments are thought provoking and helpful. Type out your comments on four of your favorite photos on the blog. Then in Microsoft Word, copy each of your comments and the photo that you commented on, include the photographers name, and upload your word document to your blog as “Comments 7.”


30. Up Close and Detail Landscape Photos – Due Thursday before class is over

Watch the video about up close and details of landscapes. Photograph a small detail of the landscape, a tree, a waterfall, or even a leaf. Or, try a close-up view of a bigger subject like a hillside. Your photographs should have a large depth of field with most of the scene in focus. You will edit (crop out unwanted backgrounds, change colors, etc) and upload your best 6 photos to your blog, title the post “Up Close and Detail Landscape Photos.” 3×3 gallery, title the photos in the caption.


31. Landscape Details and Close-ups Writing Due Wednesday before class is over

After looking at the photographs from Eliot Porter write about the role of value in his color landscape detail photos (you can also look up more of his work online). What do the different values do for the photos? Explain what you think and why you think this. Also, write about the use of viewpoint/vantage point for each photo. What was the viewpoint (far away, up close, getting down to the level, etc)? Does it work for each photo? This should be at least a paragraph using complete sentences. Then, find an image online that shows landscape detail well and write about the composition and the artistic approaches used in the photograph. Make sure to credit the photographer. Do not turn in as a word document, add the image to your blog post. You will be graded on conventions and ideas and content. Upload to your blog, title it “Landscape Detail Writing.”

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