Assignments November 2-5

#33  Comments – Due Monday before class is over 

Comment on your favorite four conceptual self portraits or hands and feet photography 2 work. Copy and paste the image and comment into a word document and upload to Moodle under comments 9. Make sure you name the photographer.

#34 Forced Perspective – Due Saturday by Midnight

Take photos that show a forced perspective. Upload your best 6 photos to your blog with titles. Title your blog post “Forced Perspective”. 


#35 Photo a Day Challenge – Due each day this week and next week

Take a photo a day, in order, from the list below. Each day you will post your photo from that day by midnight. Call your blog post Photo Challenge, and then title your photos the words that are in bold below. This project will be for this week, Monday through Thursday and next week Monday through Thursday.

1. Pick a song, and listen closely. Find a verse, an image, or a story in it that speaks to you, then portray that in a photograph.

2. Love of your art, what motivates you to take pictures? Why do you love this form in particular? Express your artist’s heart, feel the passion, and show what makes you tick.

3. Green, rolling hills of Ireland, the color of envy, the hue of a talented gardener’s thumb, or the sustainability movement. Green’s a great color, show what it means to you.

4. Create beauty and portray emotion without a model, concentrate instead on landscape, a still life, or a floral arrangement. Try shooting at different times of day, in different types of lighting.

5. Self portrait. Where are you in your life? How is the you of today different than the person you were a decade ago? A year ago? yesterday? We’re always changing, so take some time to show us this particular chapter of your life.

6. Create a different world. Be inspired by a book, a movie, a place, or a period in time. Choose a familiar narrative to use as a starting point, then re-interpret it to tell a story that is all your own.

7. A picture is worth 1,000 words. But can you describe just one word with a picture? Choose a word then create a photo that matches it.

8. What are you thankful for? But don’t get too cozy. To be truly thankful, you require the proper perspective. For this photograph, play with different perspectives. As you capture those items for which you’re most grateful can you do so with unique angles? How high or low can you shoot? What sort of framing can you play with? Could you add reflections? Play around and get creative.

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