Assignments September 29-October 2

26. Comment on your favorite four zoo photos. Make sure to copy and paste your comments and the photos into a word document and then upload on Moodle.

27. This week we will watch the movie Flags of Our Fathers and talk about how photographs impact the world. You will need to get a permissions signed by your parents to watch the movie. There will be a writing assignment after the movie. If you are not allowed to watch the movie because of the rating, there will be a separate writing assignment.

28. Flags of Our Fathers Writing – Due Thursday October 2.

If you don’t watch the movie Flags of our Fathers with us, you need to find three different photos that have impacted the world, country, or nation, and explain the importance of the photograph and the importance of photography.

If you did watch the movie, explain the importance of the photograph, why was that photograph so important, what was the impact to the world and the war? What do you think the impact of photography is on the world in general?

You will be graded on conventions and ideas. Post your writing to your blog, title the blog post Impact of Photography

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