Assignments December 2-5

50. Tiny Bits of Beauty [Environment] – Due Tuesday before class is over

Students find and take photos of images of easily overlooked beauty that most people miss. Enlarge or enhance the image and what makes it appealing via photo editing program. Upload your best six photos to your blog as “Tiny Bits of Beauty” and make sure to title each photo and put into a gallery 3×2. 








51. Haunting Eyes – Due Thursday before class is over

Submit six photographs that have haunting eyes. By haunting I mean: poignant and evocative; difficult to ignore or forget. It can be eyes of men, women, children, elderly, or animals.
Make sure there are not too many distracting elements in the photo and consider cropping the picture to focus better on the subject. This doesn’t mean just up close eyes, look at the example below. Upload as a gallery 3×2 with titles to your blog as “Haunting Eyes”

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