Assignments January 4-7

Lets get started:

1. Make a blog for your photo work and critique writing.

You must join the class blog:… FIRST BEFORE YOU PICK A TEMPLATE.

Follow the link for help on adding the class blog when it asks you to search for the teacher type in kacieanglin or enter the following invitation code 3174545-1234.

Include your blog title and your first name on your blog.

2. Write an about me section as a TEXT WIDGET on your blog. Follow the link for help on adding a text widget

3. Make your very first post, find a photo online that is meaningful to you or shows something about you.

4. Introduction to Photoshop, we will go over opening, closing, saving, creating a document, and the workspace. Nothing will be due, you will just follow along. If you forget how to do something or you missed the class, here is a video showing what we went over.

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