Assignments October 6-9

29. Grand Landscape – Photography Assignment Due Thursday before class is over – We will watch a video on how to think artistically while taking landscapes, then we will watch a video on grand landscape. We will go to San Isabel this week to take photographs of the Grand Landscape. Create Grand Landscape photographs that include the sky. Most, or all, of the scene should be in focus. Use the Rule of Thirds to compose the images, placing the horizon on the upper line in one variation and on the lower line in another. Depending on which line you use, this is a way to shift the emphasis from the land to the sky or vice versa. You will upload your best 6 photos to your blog on Thursday after you have edited the photos. Crop out any unwanted background information, change the colors (upload at least one photo in black and white), and use any other editing to help the emphasis and focus of the photo. Your blog post will be titled Grand Landscape Photos.

30. Famous Photographer – Due Thursday by midnight – Research a photographer that has made an impact in photography and write a paper about the person.  Include: Introduction, and conclusion, a short bio of their life, what were their styles?  why are they significant? other information you think is important… , include at least three photographs of their work (remember to cite your sources. If you don’t cite your sources you will receive a zero). Post this on your blog as a new post titled your famous photographer.

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